Boost Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency and Cut Down on Electricity Bills

Solar Attic Fan

Finding ways to reduce electricity consumption is always a matter of interest. Besides the savings on utility bills, there is the satisfaction that comes from knowing that a home’s carbon footprint has been reduced. Controlling air conditioning power consumption is a major part of this. This is not a new subject and there are thousands of print and online articles offering advice on ways to save electricity. The useful ones all say the same things and are based on common sense and an understanding of how air conditioners work. Familiarity, they say, breeds contempt, and it’s easy to forget or overlook the basics of controlling air conditioner running costs. Here are 10 steps to maximize air conditioner efficiency and save power. You probably know them all, but if there is even one that you have overlooked, your electricity bill could be higher than it needs to be.

10 Power-Saving Steps

  1. Have your A/C ducts professionally sealed to prevent cooling loss. Also, check for and fix any gaps in the doors and windows that may allow indoor air to escape even when the openings are closed. You could save up to $300 a year.
  2. Repair damaged insulation and weatherization. This will reduce cooling loss and bring down the cooling load.
  3. Raise the thermostat or turn off the air conditioning when the house is empty. Raising the temperature by 10 to 15 degrees during the day when everyone is out could result in a 10% reduction in power consumption.
  4. Consider whether you are overcooling the house. 78 degrees may be too high to be comfortable, but studies say that every degree lower than 78 increases energy consumption by 8%. Something to keep in mind.
  5. Clean the A/C filters regularly. Even partially blocked air filters can significantly reduce airflow and keep indoor temperatures higher than they should be.

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  1. If you have room air conditioners that are exposed to direct sunlight, plant a tree to keep it in the shade or erect an obstruction to keep the sunlight off it. Room A/Cs work most efficiently when they are in the shade.
  2. Keep the A/C unit clean. Debris and weeds tend to collect and reduce operational efficiency. Talk to your A/C service agent about things you can do to keep the unit clean between services.
  3. Have the A/C inspected and serviced once a year, preferably before the start of summer. This will identify any potential problems that could affect cooling and increase power consumption.
  4. Electricity is costliest during the peak daytime hours. Turning off the cooling in empty rooms at these times will reduce power consumption during the hours when it is most expensive.
  5. One of the most effective ways of reducing the A/C load and power consumption is by installing a solar attic fan. This type of fan will blow out the hot air that rises and collects in the attic. This radiating heat counters the cool air from the A/C and causes the unit to work harder and consume more electricity. A solar attic fan will keep the attic cool and since it is solar-powered, it does not consume any electricity supplied by the utility. The best and most cost-effective solar attic fans are made by Solatube and contacting Sunlight Concepts, the premier Solatube dealer for the Bay Area will get you a free consultation where experts will tell you all you need to know about solar-powered attic fans and how they can help cool the house and reduce the A/C load.

Boosting air conditioning efficiency and bringing down electricity bills does not mean living in a hot house. You can be cool and comfortable and save money with a common sense approach to A/C use and through the installation of a solar attic fan.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How can I prevent cooling loss from my air conditioner?

Seal your A/C ducts, check for gaps in windows and doors, and repair damaged insulation to avoid cooling loss.

2. What is the ideal thermostat setting to save energy?

Setting your thermostat to 78°F when at home and raising it by 10-15 degrees when the house is empty can save up to 10% on power bills.

3. How often should I clean my A/C filters?

Regularly clean your A/C filters, as even partially blocked filters can reduce airflow and cause your system to use more energy.

4. Why should I keep my A/C in the shade?

Air conditioners exposed to direct sunlight work less efficiently. Keeping them shaded by planting trees or installing barriers can reduce energy consumption.

5. What is a solar attic fan, and how does it help reduce A/C costs?

A solar attic fan removes hot air from your attic, reducing the A/C load. It’s solar-powered, so it doesn’t add to your electricity bill and helps cool your home more effectively.