Celebrate Your Electricity Independence Day This Month

Summer is a wonderful time of year. Schools are closed, the outdoors beckon and long-planned family vacations get underway. But, sadly, the time you can spend away from home is limited by the practical necessity of getting back to work, and school and balancing the budget. Unless you are among the very lucky few, after a short break the rest of the summer is spent at home.

Being at Home Is Good

It’s normal to feel a bit down after returning home from a great vacation. But in a day or two the comfort and security of familiar surroundings makes the family realize that “there’s no place like home.” However, a comfortable home in summer, especially in states that see high temperatures, means keeping the home cool. That boils down to air conditioning. Whether it is window units or a ducted system, cooling is essential. But it comes at a cost. The obvious and the one with the direct impact is that of the increase in your electricity bills. But two other factors should not be forgotten.

  • Over time stale air builds up in an enclosed space and this is unhealthy. The more already cooled air is recirculated, the lower the load on the air conditioning and the cooler the indoors. This air contains accumulated pollutants, pathogens, germs and so on. Those living in the house may not notice the air they breathe or feel any discomfort, but in time it could have a negative impact on people’s health.
  • In California, as in many other states, we have seen the impact of global warming on the places we live. Air conditioning contributes to the problem by pushing up electricity consumption so the use of fossil fuels increases.

Is Suffering The Heat A Good Thing?

Worrying about family well-being, climate change and of course, the impact of running the air conditioning on the household budget is no fun. What’s the alternative? Obviously, living in a hot uncomfortable house is not a good thing. But you don’t have to. There is a way to have it all.

There is no need to go to extremes in an effort to balance finances, health and the effects of global warming. There is a simple way to have it all and break free from the negative impact of excessive air conditioner use. July is the ideal month to declare your independence from excessive energy consumption.

The Usual Methods

Go online and you will find endless advice on how to reduce electricity consumption. They have common threads:

  • Set the thermostat a little higher.
  • Use thick curtains to block the heat from entering through the windows.
  • Plant more trees in the yard to shade the walls from direct sunlight.
  • Block any leaks in windows and doors that allow cool indoor air to escape.
  • Get the air conditioning units serviced regularly so they run efficiently and use less power.
  • If the air conditioning system is very old, it may make economic sense to replace it with a more efficient new one.
  • Turn off the air conditioning when the house is empty. A timer can be set to start it before people return home. Or It can be controlled online.

There are lots more energy-saving tips available; some good and practical and some that are not of much use. But there is one proven way to reduce the air conditioning load, reduce power consumption and keep the indoor air fresh and healthy.


Not just ceiling and table fans – they just circulate the same air and the movement creates a sensation of cooling. But whole house fans are another matter. A whole house fan operates quietly in the background. When it is on it:

  • Sucks old stale air out of the house.
  • Draws in fresh, cool and clean air from outside and through open windows to replace the old air.
  • The cool air that is drawn in during the mornings and evenings will cool the whole house and by doing so, reduce the air conditioning load since the ambient indoor starting temperature is lower.
  • This will reduce your home’s power consumption and its carbon footprint.
  • And the fresh air makes the home a healthier place for everyone.

The Right Fan Is A Phone Call Away

When it comes to whole house fans, there is just one undisputed market leader – Solatube. The company’s range of ventilation fans and daylighting devices are simply the best there is. In the San Francisco Bay Area, Sunlight Concepts, is the Prime Solatube Dealer. A phone call to (408) 317-0118 or visiting the website will get you started on your whole house fan journey. Ask for a free consultation to have all your questions answered and make informed decisions. The day the whole house fan is installed will be your Independence Day when you escape the tyranny of ever-increasing utility bills.