Improve Your Home’s Health with Fresh Air: Benefits & Solutions

Improve Your Home's Health with Fresh Air

Did You Know That August is National Wellness Month?

No one deliberately ignores their health – being healthy makes overcoming the obstacles that crop up in your path easier. National Wellness Month is a good time to take stock of your family’s health and to look at ways in which it can be improved. The modern family typically consists of parents and children separated by age, interests and attitudes to life. This is normal but does not affect the love that the family members have for each other. But with everyone doing their own thing, parents often wonder if they need to do more to protect their children’s health. Parents cannot go and play with their kids and their friends. They can’t monitor their activities to ensure that they are getting enough exercise and fresh air. What they can do is to provide a healthy home environment. And National Wellness Month is a great time to look at how healthy a home is and to see what improvements can be made to make it healthier.

A Healthy Environment Requires Fresh Air

Creating a healthy home does not mean spending thousands of dollars on setting up a state-of-the-art home gym. It does not call for forcing people into exercise regimens that do not appeal to them. It does not mean eating only the healthiest of food, no matter how your palate reacts to them. All these are good things to do, in moderation, but they come after the first step which is ensuring that the air the occupants breathe in the home is clean and fresh. People often take fresh air for granted, not realizing the many health benefits that come from it.

Also Read: What Is a Sustainable Home?

The Benefits of Fresh Air

Among the many ways fresh air in the home makes the occupants healthier are:

  • It is good for the digestion. Fresh air increases the oxygen levels in the blood so you can digest food more effectively. This not only helps to improve overall health but is thought to assist in efforts to lose weight.
  • Breathing stale air makes the heart and lungs work harder, resulting in a higher heart rate and increased blood pressure. Fresh air does the reverse.
  • Breathing fresh air and the higher blood oxygen levels that result enables the body to increase the production of serotonin, a hormone that increases feelings of happiness and positivity.
  • The higher oxygen levels that result from breathing fresh air strengthen the immune system which makes fighting off infections and disease more effective.
  • When fresh air enters the lungs it is able to absorb some of the toxins from the bloodstream. These toxins are then removed from the body along with the exhaled air.
  • Fresh air allows the body to absorb more oxygen which increases energy levels and stamina.
  • Higher oxygen levels in the blood improve brain functioning.

These are all proven scientific facts, based on years of research and study.

Filling your home with clean fresh air is simple. All you need to do is install a whole house fan. These fans blow stale air that contains pollutants and toxins from the interior and replaces it with fresh clean air drawn in from outside through open windows. Running a whole house fan can actually reduce the summer air conditioning load so that the power consumption is less, which in turn shows up in lower utility bills. These fans are not only for summer use. They can be run in winter, without causing serious indoor heat loss, to clear the home of moisture, mold, mildew and stale air. Solatube is the leader in whole house, attic and garage fans and offers a range of products to suit all types and sizes of homes. Sunlight Concepts is the Premier Solatube Dealer for the SF Bay Area. Visit the website to learn more about whole house fans and to ask for a free consultation where all your questions will be answered and can find the fan that will be right for your home. Once you make your informed purchase decision, quick and clean installation is just hours away.

National Wellness Month is a great time to start making your home a healthier place.